Saturday, September 5, 2009

Settled in Uvita

I definitely feel settled in Uvita and have fallen into a routine. I work from about 10-3 give or take an hour or so, check my e-mail, shower, and then lay back in the hammock to catch the 4 o'clock flick, dinner after that and then some reading before bed. I'm making this place into a temporary home.

Yesterday I woke up early to walk to the beach to be there at low tide. At low tide a piece of land called the whale's tail emerges, jutting out from the beach, and I arrived at a good time, about 8:00 after a 45-minute walk to get there. The beach is gorgeous and at that time of the morning, the only people there were a few boat captains readying their boats for the whale and dolphin seeing trips. By the time I left the beach an hour later, the little town of Punta Uvita was buzzing with tourists, and I made the 45-minute walk back to the hotel trying to ignore the blisters that were emerging on my feet. Oh, and carrying a piece of driftwood that I plan to use for some kind of decoration.

I started into work right away on my lamp shade. Over the hammocks in the "theater," there is only a naked bulb, and Tra said if nothing else happens from my stay but one thing he'd like a lamp shade for it. Four hours later, he had his wish. I've yet to take a picture because it needs to be hanging in order to get a good pic, and he believes, and I agree, that hanging it is a little more than I can handle, especially given that I'm a little height-challenged. He'll ask one of his employees to do the honors. I decided to give the lamp shade a movie theme since it will hang in the theater, so I chose 10 of my favorite movies and selected a quote from each, which I then wrote on a CD that hangs from the wire frame. See if you can identify each of these movies without cheating:

#1: I will find you, and I will kill you.
#2: I want the fairy tale.
#3: You didn't think I knew about that, did you?
#4: In the end all you have is your story. I intend to make it a good one.
#5: That's all you got, lady, two left feet and ugly shoes.
#6: How you like them apples?
#7: I'm having an old friend for dinner.
#8: I'll never let go.
#9: You take the red pill . . . I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
#10: Attitude reflects leadership, Captain.

This morning I decided to tackle accessorizing a piece of metal that can be used as two hooks for one of the rooms. I ended up making two origami toucans and some paper palm leaves that I affixed to it. It looks pretty cool if I do say so myself. I tried to work on another decorative piece after that, but the creative juices had subsided, and I figured I should take the opportunity to use a computer while all the guests are out and about. Tra had a full house last night and will again tonight, which is surprising given that it's the off season.

Work is done for the day, and my Saturday afternoon and evening will be much like the last two: movie and reading. There aren't really any single travelers here, and those that travel together tend to stick together, but I'm content to be on my own. Most of them only stay two nights anyway.

Pics being loaded to facebook right now.

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